Eucalyptus Tree
Other names: Tailapatra, Sugandhapatra, Tailaprana, and Nilgiri Taila, Eucalyptus globulus
Identification: Eucalyptus is a tall evergreen tree. It attains the height of more than 300 feet. Leaves of the tree on juvenile shoots are opposite, sessile, cordate-ovate and covered with a bluish white bloom. The adult leaves are alternate, lanceolate and are 6-12 inches long and 1-2 inches broad. It flowers are cream in colour. The appearance of its bark varies with the age of the tree. Its bark consists of long fibers and can be can be pulled off in long pieces.
Description:Eucalyptus, grows throughout the dry areas of India. It is a large tree with quadrangular stems. Eucalyptus is an exotic specie introduced in India as part of a drive to reforest the subcontinent, and create an adequate supply of fuel and timber for rural communities under the augur of ‘social forestry’. However this has resulted polemical debate, particularly between environmentalists and foresters / policy makers. Foresters maintain that Eucalyptus can help meet increasing wood demands from dwindling natural forests, supplying local communities and industry alike. Environmentalists, however, are opposed to Eucalyptus due to perceived ecological hazards and the charge that the choice of species is fundamentally flawed; that Eucalyptus is ill equipped to serve the variety of diverse end uses demanded of tree species in India for community use.
Uses: Eucalyptus is known for its use either as an essential oil or leaf tea for its ability to relieve congestion and ease breathing in colds. It oil is also used as the pain reliever foe sore and overextended muscles. The essential oil of Eucalyptus contains cineole, a potent antiseptic that helps in killing the bacteria and fungi. It helps in increasing cardiac action. It is taken in all types of fever. It helps in purifying the blood. It lowers the blood sugar. It brings relief to the patients of Asthma and bronchitis. It is the excellent topical remedy for aching joints and rheumatism. It helps in improving the blood circulation. Eucalyptus is used as the pulpwood in the manufacture of the paper as well as raw material. It is used as the poles for the construction of huts and houses. It is used in making plywood, doors and windows.
Where to find in XLRI: Around the Admin building fountain
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The Debate