Royal Palm Tree
Other name: Oreodoxa Regia (meaning Mountain Glory), Bottle Palm
Identification: Quite graceful and can achieve the height of about 20 m in general. The tree can easily decorate the avenues very nicely if you plant them there. The stem of the tree is straight and it does not contain any branches. The bark of the tree is silky and of palest grey in colour. It is ringed very evenly as well. A polished, green coloured column formed by the leaf sheaths rises from this sharply divided grey bole. After enlarging at its base, from the summit emerges a bunch that is consist of a large number of long and arched leaves. The leaves of the Royal Palm Tree are jam-packed with some narrow leaflets that are normally 75 cm in length. These leaflets are inserted alternately in opposite ways.
Description: This species has been imported to India. Found across most of the parks in India.
Uses: The tree is really a graceful one and it is extensively cultivated in India. People normally plant the Royal Palm Tree` in the parks and in their gardens.
Where to find in XLRI: Admin Area
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